God, Spirit, Word Made Flesh
Becoming Present
Some days are simply hard.
My chest feels the heaviness of loss and uncertainty, my world is upside down.
Come, send your reassuring Spirit,
so that I may breathe deeply once again.
Fill my lungs so that laughter can be found anew,
expelling the staleness trapped inside.
Lift the veil over my eyes so that beauty and wonder are a part of my vision.
May I once more taste the goodness
that comes from table fellowship.
I give thanks for those who have been your
incarnational love and grace.
As I go through this day, gift me with your presence insuring I am never alone.
In this moment I am....
(joyful, hurting, angry, laughing, lonely...)
I enter this space of _________ accompanied by the Divine Love participating in this moment with me.
I imagine that space where this is held in my body.
I ask for blessings.....
I give thanks....